
Reflections of Motherhood

Mundane household chores or fun life oriented skills?

We have grown up in a society where household chores were the responsibility of women. Men and children were not involved. Fast forward to this generation, time has changed. I feel it’s important to inculcate life oriented skills in our children irrespective of their gender. As rightly said, if you want your children to put foot on the ground, give some responsibly on their shoulder. It is not what you do for them but teach them to do for themselves. Raising them outside of your country with no domestic help, not only makes you independent and efficient but also allows you to expand your creativity horizon to engage children in a very meaningful and fun manner in your day to day lifestyle. You stop compartmentalizing. We as a family participate together. The focus is on process over product. With lot of experimentation and failures, I realized, patience and lots of patience along with trust and responsibility is the recipe to engage the little minds. It’s a challenge to motivate and build this consistency but the results over time are fruitful. And slowly this is no longer a boring chore for me but a way of life. I don’t have to stress how to entertain and engage them when I am busy managing my daily routine at home. All it takes is to let them participate in age appropriate task. They observe and learn. They develop reverence. They learn work ethics at a very young age. They start appreciating your time and efforts. This routine sets a rhythm in their minds and body.
Cooking with kids is just not about ingredients,recipes and cooking. Its about harnessing creativity, imagination and independence. ” ~Guy Fieri
You are developing life oriented skill,You are teaching them reading and math You are teaching them about different cultures. You are teaching them process.You are engaging active mind. How many of you believe cooking should be a part of their daily routine ? Would love to hear your thoughts.

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About Me

A full time stay at home mom to 2 very wonderful boys age 7 and 9. My 9 year old son has been my motivation to start blogging. He has undoubtedly made me go through this new phase of life and taught me the meaning of patience, perseverance and tolerance.
I try to cherish every moment of motherhood and create epic memories that will live with us forever! This platform allows me to express and share my thoughts .I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing my experiences in this beautiful journey of parenting!




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