
Reflections of Motherhood

Roadmap to Effective Learning Tools

What is Learning ?

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”~ Albert Einstein

We have all been through a phase where learning is measured by the grades scored in an examination which is linked with the ability to memorize plethora of information without being able to reflect what you truly understood. The absorption of knowledge and learning through curiosity is completely missed. This makes learning very stressful. How do we break this pattern and truly enjoy the process of learning ?
Our brain has the capacity to learn at any age.
Learning is a process that leads to change which occurs as a result of experiences and increases the potential of improved performance and future learning.It’s a direct result of how students interpret and reflect on their experiences. While information and content is one part of learning, developing the thinking skills, intellectual process, motor skills, interpersonal skills like teamwork, effective communication, conflict resolution are important for personal and professional success.
Let’s understand our two thinking modes and how it impacts learning.

Focused Mode v/s Diffused Mode

Neuroscientist have established that our brain switches between the focused mode -a highly attentive state and diffused mode – a resting state.

The focused mode is associated with the concentrating abilities of the prefrontal cortex and involves a direct approach to problem solving using rational, sequential and analytical approaches” Dr. Barbara Oakley – A mind for numbers.Here we try to focus on thinking or learning with undivided attention and focus on a particular area of our brain . It makes new neural pattern and strengthens the existing learning pattern.It helps strengthen our memory and improve our academic performance.
Example : Learning multiplication tables or spellings and repeating the same to memorize.

On the other hand, in the diffuse mode, you relax your attention and let your mind wander. It offers a “big picture” perspective. It lets your brain relax when you need to understand a new concept or find solutions to different problems.
Example : Trying to find the solution to a math problem while showering or jogging.

Another way to think of the difference between focused and diffuse modes, writes Dr. Oakley, is to think of a flash light setting. The focused mode can penetrate deeply into a small area while the diffuse mode casts its light broadly but not so strong in any one area.

These two modes do not co-exist. They are like the two sides of the same coin. But both these modes are needed in the process of learning.Most successful people like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein are naturally able to switch between the two modes of thinking, which is a key to creativity and innovation. While trying to solve a complex problem or learn an unfamiliar concept, consider beginning with Focused Thinking to define the problem or concept, before switching to Diffuse Thinking to let your subconscious mind continue to process and make further connections. 

This chart provided a clear understanding of both the modes.

Let’s now look into our memory and how it works.

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About Me

A full time stay at home mom to 2 very wonderful boys age 7 and 9. My 9 year old son has been my motivation to start blogging. He has undoubtedly made me go through this new phase of life and taught me the meaning of patience, perseverance and tolerance.
I try to cherish every moment of motherhood and create epic memories that will live with us forever! This platform allows me to express and share my thoughts .I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing my experiences in this beautiful journey of parenting!




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