
Reflections of Motherhood

Long term Memory v/s Short term Memory

Just like the computer, our brain also has two types of memory to store our thoughts and information.
1. Long term memory like a computer hard drive
2. Short term memory like a computer RAM

Short term memory is the working memory having limited number of slots just like a computer RAM. It can store and process data for some time, but if its not moved to long term memory, it may be lost eventually. It is the memory to store the current status of the thoughts in the brain.

On the other hand long term memory is like the hard drive of the brain to store the information permanently. long-term memory is important because it’s where you store fundamental concepts and techniques that are often involved in whatever you’re learning about. 
When you encounter something new, you often use your working memory to handle it. If you want to move that information into your long-term memory, it often takes time and practice.

One of the most effective technique used is spaced repetition.Basically you repeat what you are trying to retain over a period of days. And repetition should happen at different locations.
Studying one day before the exam doesn’t help, it only saves the concept in short term memory and gets erased as soon as the exam is over. Also getting enough sleep before the exam is extremely important because it helps to retrieve the data from long term memory.

Let’s now look at the different techniques and tools that can help us learn

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About Me

A full time stay at home mom to 2 very wonderful boys age 7 and 9. My 9 year old son has been my motivation to start blogging. He has undoubtedly made me go through this new phase of life and taught me the meaning of patience, perseverance and tolerance.
I try to cherish every moment of motherhood and create epic memories that will live with us forever! This platform allows me to express and share my thoughts .I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing my experiences in this beautiful journey of parenting!




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